It’s been a while…

Posted: January 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

So, I have not written in my blog for a couple of reasons.

I was hired while doing my internship. I’m presently teaching 3rd grade, 45 students, Reading and Math at a school that did not meet AYP. That means, that this school has one year to get it together or the state will take over. I was hired because the teacher that was in my present position got cancer and had to leave. I was asked if I wanted to work on a Thursday, I started the next Friday.

It was very hectic due to the fact that I’m also a wife, a mom, and a  full-time student. The pressure to get these kids to succeed were extremely high and expected. Thankfully, I was able to get my kids to increase 26 points in a span of about 6 weeks, though it took a lot of time away from my family and myself. I was working 3 to 4 extra and unpaid hours, in order to plan for my students success. Even though my kids did awesome, it took a great toll on my fitness goals. The Christmas break was greatly awaited, though I spent most of the time sick. Nevertheless, three weeks at home was good for me to clear my mind and set new goals for the new year.

As I get ready to graduate this semester, I have made it a goal to make time for myself. It is very difficult due to my schedule and Jason’s, but we are working at it. I workout at least 3 times a week. I’m trying to increase my strength training. When I was training for the half-marathon, I noticed that I was able to maintain my weight, but I was not losing any. This really frustrated me. So, I’m just going to try something different this time around.

I have started to eat myfitfood lunch for my lunchtime and snacking more in the daytime. I’m trying to remember to take  my vitamins and drinking more water. I’m also leaving work on-time, to go workout.

I have not set a BIG goal yet, but hope to do so soon. Until then, good luck to you guys with your fitness goals.


Unexpected Situations

Posted: August 25, 2012 in Uncategorized

As soon as I reached my 4mile comfortable running pace, we had a family emergency. My dad was in an accident that impacted my family.

Three weeks ago after my 4 mile exercise regimen, I called my mom to check on her just to find out that my dad was in the emergency room due to an  accident;  he had cut his fingers. Fortunately, he did not lose his fingers, but his wounds were extremely deep which led to other complications. What started as one trip to the hospital, ended as three weeks of unpredictable health status for my father.  During these weeks, my siblings and I spent countless hours in the hospital, from 10 to 12 hours, making sure that we were following up with doctors. We were given many lectures to help assist our situation. Lectures were very informative, but overwhelming as well.

Seeing my father in a vulnerable situation was extremely difficult for me. As the oldest sibling, I was used to always seeing him active and energetic. This was the first time I realized how much he had aged and how he had no control of his physical situation. My dad doesn’t know this yet, but he reminded me of the power of the mind. He never showed weakness and even if he felt scared inside, he was always positive with everyone. He kept us going. I wanted to imitate him, so I kept telling my mind to think good things and expect a happy future. It worked, but it was an internal battle! Thankfully, my dad is recovering faster than expected. Even the nurses at the hospital were amazed to see his fast progress.

As for exercise, I was not able to exercise for two reasons. First, I felt guilty because when my mom called me about the accident, I was exercising and did not hear my phone. I arrived an hour late to the hospital, and I felt bad. After talking about it to some individuals, I have felt better and know that I can’t blame my exercise regimen for not being there for my family “on time”.  Second, with all the hours at the hospital and stress my family and I underwent those weeks, I had no energy nor desire to exercise. I rather be with my family, then take care of myself by exercising. I did lose about 5lbs these weeks because I had lost my appetite due to stress and anxiety. I had to force myself to eat every four hours. I knew I needed energy so overcoming the lack of appetite by eating something small was a small challenge I faced.

All my life I have been raised to believe that there’s a reason for everything that happens. I pay close attention to all the events in my life, because I know that they help not only shape my spiritual and emotional self, but of all the individuals around me as well.  What I have learned from this situation  is the importance of managing my eating habits now. I eat healthy, but after taking all those nutrition classes, I realized that I can eat in an even more healthy way. As the daughter or two diabetic parents, the best advice I got from a Nutritionist was to “eat as if I were a diabetic” to prevent or prolong diabetes.

Today I will restart my exercise regimen. Obviously,  I will have to take it easy to build up to where I was. I missed out on a couple of weeks of exercise, but I’m getting back on track. However this time, my view of nutrition has blossomed.

Life sometimes brings unforeseen events, but during times of difficulty it is important to realize that there is a reason for everything. As the “storm” slows down, it was important for me to look at what the event was trying to teach me as both a spiritual and emotional human being. If I pay attention to the “message”  it is a sign that I have spiritually and emotionally grown.

For all of you out there, if life brings you an unexpected difficulty, make sure you take care of yourself, so you can take care of others. Pay attention to all the messages and individuals life brings to you. They are there for a reason. Live life to the fullest and remember that the mind is a powerful tool…we are very capable of controlling our feelings of optimism and pessimism. So use your mind to bring positive thoughts that will help you and all those around you move forward. =)

I admire individuals that are able to push themselves to the limit when exercising. One of them is my husband. He’s a natural and fast runner. Someday, I will run at his speed which is like an 8-9min mile at this moment!

I’m in my 4th week of half-marathon training, and  finding time to exercise last week was a little challenging… I talked to my support group, and like always, their words inspired me to stay focused.  In addition, I read a novel about a man who used to be a  runner, until he was a victim of a hit and run accident, which led to one of his legs being amputated. This man’s story really touched me and has made me realize how blessed I am. He made me look at my ability to run in a sacred way.

Lately, I had been running with my Ipod, but today I decided to run in silence. I enjoyed the scenery, appreciated the random sounds (and smells), and observing individuals that were walking, running or biking the trail as well. I saw people of different races,  ages, gender, sizes, and as I ran, I began to wonder what those individuals were thinking about . I wondered how many were training for events, how many were trying to lose weight, how many just wanted to enjoy the scenery. It was great noticing all the little things. I felt connected to the world and to the individuals that I did not even know.

My little brother ran with me today, and as we started running he kept pushing me to sprint. I began to tell my myself  “you’re not tired, you are strong, you are a great runner”…the power of the mind.  As I began to manipulate myself, I became a product of self-fulfilling prophecy. I gave it my all, and the more I ran, the faster and lighter I felt. I did not want to stop. I just wanted to keep running. I felt so good and liberated after finishing 3.5 miles! Today, I put into practice something I have always believed in: believing is achieving. Might sound cliché, but it’s so true!

So if you are having trouble getting motivated to exercise, just change your mind-set and go! Anything is possible….


Posted: July 8, 2012 in Can't stop won't stop running

The mind is a powerful thing.  Making the commitment to run a half-marathon was something I thought about for at least two months. Sometimes we get intimidated by the unknown, but unless we dive in, will we know if it was worth the try. This applies to anything in life, careers, hobbies, uncomfortable situations, school, etc. Sometimes the best way to learn more about ourselves, is to dwell in an intimidating challenge.  =)

I just finished my first week of training, and I have to say that i’m very proud of myself. I walked/jogged 14miles total. Not bad. Today was also the first time I ran in the rain! Rain was cold, and since my run was coming to an end, it felt great!

I talk to my husband a lot about creating a health focused life style for our family. While jogging this morning, I couldn’t help paying attention to older couples, as well as some parents running with their elementary aged kids.  Hmmmm, I wonder how many of those kids really enjoy the run?

My baby girl is 10months and a few weeks old, and she’s giving lots of steps. She’s a fast crawler and tries to run as she walks. I once read that the sooner a baby walks, the better they will be at sports, due to “strong” legs. Myth, maybe, but the possibility of being true is kinda cool. I try to imagine myself in the future going for a jog with Jay and my little one, Aliana.    I hope she loves running as much as I do. And if she doesn’t, I will make sure I find something that she is truly passionate about.

My half-marathon coach sent me the training schedule. I was very excited to see what I will be working on the next couple of months, and I look forward to learning a lot about myself. I have updated my vision board with my goals for this challenge. As I work on this, I can’t stop to think of my career goals as well. I firmly believe that the universe and all the stars will take me where I belong, if I listen and follow my heart. I know that running this half-marathon is somehow preparing me for a mental challenge.

“Running is the classical road to self-consciousness, self-awareness, and self-reliance. Independence is the outstanding characteristic of the runner. He learns the harsh reality of his physical and mental limitations when he runs.” – Noel Carroll

My first half-marathon

Posted: July 2, 2012 in Uncategorized

I finally decided to register for my first half-marathon! I’m really excited, and thank my friend/coach ACT for inspiring me as I made this decision.

I will dedicate this half-marathon to my husband Jay and baby girl Aliana. I will not let them down. When I get tired, I will think of them. I will give it my all.

I will start my training tomorrow. I have a buddy whom I will train with locally. I also have two individuals (who live in other cities) that will join me as well. Their support is greatly appreciated and I feel good to know that I have people I can count on.

I’m really excited and I hope to grow both mentally and physically as I embark this journey.  Will keep you posted.

to running!! I love the rush I feel when I’m running. I feel stronger and I just want to keep on getting stronger. Now I understand all those runners…thanks Annie, I’m one of y’all! lol

On Cinco de Mayo I fulfilled 9 weeks of consecutive running. Coach ACT met up with me for my first 6.2 mile run. I was really nervous. The first three miles were okay, but as we started the second part, I began to feel heavy. I wanted to stop, but Coach ACT pushed me to my limit. I had never pushed myself that much in running before. It made me realize how powerful the human mind is when accomplishing goals. This has been a great milestone for me. Look at my process:

  • Week 1 – 5k (37 min)
  • Week 6 – 5k (35min)
  • Week 9 – 10k (1hr 15min /12min pace )

I have come a long way and I’m surprised at how fast my body has gotten stronger. I have lost weight and inches along the way.

Instead of weight-loss goals, I have changed my mentality to seeking a healthy mind, heart and soul. Exercise de-stresses me. I look forward to getting stronger. I will keep you guys updated with my journey and my next goals.

Tip: Sometimes people start off strong, but give up after a couple of weeks. Choose a non-negotiable day, and stick to it. Mine is Saturday mornings.  The mind is powerful. Use it to get the results you want. Have a good one people =)


Week 5 through 7

Posted: May 1, 2012 in Uncategorized

Finally, I feel stronger, leaner, more toned…and people are starting to notice. It feels good when people tell me “you’re looking good”. Even though i’m comfortable and my clothes fits better, i’m still focusing on my long-term goal. Hopefully with time and consistency, I will see the results.

My running time and speed has improved. I’m able to run 4miles and feel great afterwards. When running, I vary my speed and cadence. I alternante between a steady pace and intervals.

Two weeks ago I met with my awesome friend, Annie, a runner! She gave me some awesome tips on running..and I plan to meet with her a few weekends in May. I’m very excited!!!

Jason also bought me a complet book of running, which i’m reading when I have spare time. I plan to sign up for a 5k soon, and hopefully sign up for a half-marathon.

As I begin to lose inches, i’ve noticed that I have not lost weight. However, the body works in a mysterious way, lol. I feel like i’m losing fat and gaining muscles, so i’m paying attention to how my clothes is fitting.

Soon I will post before and after pics. As for now, I will keep cross-training, and continue strength-training, plus cardio.

Week 3 and Week 4

Posted: April 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

Consistency is the key to succesful health plan. I have really tried to be consistent and have set small goals these past two weeks. My goal for week 3 was to get in at least 3 days of strength, which I did. But due to time constraints, I ended up decreasing my cardio time. Week 4 was a little weird. I started a bootcamp DVD and it worked so well that I felt drained for a couple of days. However, I was able to run the memorial track in 36minutes, which is a new record for me!!! I was even able to get some toning exercises after running, but the next day, by body was too overworked. I rested the next day.

I have noticed that even though I started with the intention of losing weight, my mentality is changing to being more healthy. With diabetes and other health issues on the rise, it is my duty to take care of my body. I am now stronger and feel healthier.

Starting a support group has been a great idea, but i’m realizing that its not easy for some individuals to commit to every Saturday. We are busy people. In my case, I have made it possible to work exercise into my life schedule because it has become kinda therapeutic. Being healthy has become a necessity.I have had a boost in my confidence, and most importantly, I’m seeing results. People have also noticed, which is always a plus. I think the only challenge I have is being patient with seeing drastic results.

Jason has motivated me to keep up with my health goals. He eats healthy when he’s around me and he tries to walk with me. Our small goal is to start bike riding at least once a week! We still have to figure out the logistics, since we have a baby and obviously she can’t go with us. Hopefully this little goal because a ritual.

Other than exercise, I have noticed that motherhood has humbled me in many ways. My priority is my family. I knew that being a mother would change me as a person, but the impact it has had on me is indescribable. When I see my daughter, I see a product of love. A blessing given from the heavens, so my husband and I can guide. My husband is a great father and husband, and I feel extremely blessed to have him as my partner as we raise our daughter. I constantly think of my role as a parent and my duty to raise a mentally and physically healthy human being. When my daughter sees me, crawls to me, smiles at me, grabs my ankles when i’m standing up, I cant help to imagine how innocent and dependent this baby is. She is incredible.

These past two weeks have taught me a lot about myself and what i’m capable of doing. I hope that I continue my journey towards living a healthy lifestyle.  


Week 2

Posted: March 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

This week started off a bit sluggish. Getting back to the full-time job mode was a big challenge for me. Monday- I only managed to do 50 sit-ups. I was too tired to exercise. However, I was able to walk 12, 416 steps (5.32mi, burn 507 cal.). Tuesday – I actually did some strength training. I did Jillian’s Shred it DVD, 25 minutes, before going to work, plus 12,050 steps(4.97mi, burned 474cal.). On Wednesday I walked a track by my house with my husband, father-in-law, and my baby girl Aliana. I walked 2 miles and ran 1 mile in 12mins. Total steps walked was  13,400 (5.51 mi, burned 531). Thursday I jogged 3 miles, plus Jillian’s strength training. On Saturday I jogged the entire 3miles, while pushing my baby in the stroller! She was such a good sport. I finished pushing my 17lb baby in 38minutes!!!! I’m very proud of myself!!

Something that has helped me a lot has been counting my steps with a pedometer. My daily goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day. I’ve heard about this before, but I had never paid much attention. For my birthday, my husband gave me an ipod with a pedometer. Since last month, I have been counting my steps. Every night I make sure I charge my IPOD and its the first thing I put on when I leave to work. I love it!!

Another thing that helps me is that during my students 30minute recess time, I try to walk 1 mile. Before my students go out and play, I have them walk half a mile. They are used to it. We hate it when it rains, and the days after because the sidewalk is wet. I have two co-workers that walk with me too. We motivate each other. It has become like a ritual, lol.

One of the challenges this week was adding weights to my exercise plan. The Jillian DVD really helped me. I was extremely sore, but I can feel stronger! I hope that the weight lifting helps me get lean.

In addition to my exercise goals, I’m proud to share that my baby is officially a crawler and said her first word yesterday! She said “mama”. That was the best feeling ever!!! Now I’m going to try to teach her to say – daddy, hi, R2(for star wars r2d2) – she loves that robot! lol.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go…” -T.S. Eliot


Posted: March 22, 2012 in Uncategorized

    38 weeks pregnant                  6 months post-pregnancy


By the time my Aliana reached 6 months, I was at my pre-pregnancy weight. When I think of goals, I have learned to set small/short ones. They are more attainable and allow me to see a change, if I work hard at it. I also have a great support group! In addition to my husband, my co-workers, family and friends have proven to have something in common with me.


There is always a different motivation towards reaching your goals. My motivation is to be healthy and fit, so I can be happier, more confident and know that I can do whatever I set my mind to. I know I can do it, it’s just matter of time and patience.


When I read the article that after 2 months of having her baby, Beyonce was back to her pre-pregnancy weight, I was a little jealous, lol. Must be nice having a 24/7 personal trainer and nutritionist/chef. Here in the real world, we have to figure out things on our own. After talking to some of my friends, we just laughed about it and told each other to stop “hating”. We will reach our goals too…not that fast…but we’ll get there =)


I hate it when I hit a weight plateau. What’s the deal? After a good week of exercise and healthy eating, I was maintaining weight instead of losing it!  I had to talk to my some of my support group members for encouragement. Talking to my support buddies lifted my spirits.  We all go through it. I’m back to my motivated self!!! =)


I have decided to create a vision poster board with my weight-loss goals. I went through magazines, and cut pictures and words that can motivate me. I also printed pictures of myself, so I can have a visual reminder of what I need to work on, not a self-criticism, but more like a reality check. This poster will go in my room.


When I have free time, I read health articles. I’m educating myself.  I want a life-style change. I don’t want to be part of that “I need to lose weight group” anymore. I want to get out of it, and focus on fitness challenges. Obviously, one of my hobbies is exercising. I feel like I’m becoming addicted, in a good way.



I’m looking forward to this Saturday running group meet at Memorial Park. I wonder if I will have at least 5 people show up like last time. We shall see. =)